In high school, I wrote a paper for one of my AP classes on Warren Harding and the Teapot Dome scandal. One of the Harding pieces of trivia - other than the fact he was one of the more corrupt and inept presidents in history - is that he coined the term normalcy during his presidency. I feel that Stephen Colbert's penchant for making up words has its roots in that rather sad period in American history.
It comes to mind, because I feel that some regular routines are returning to our lives. For the first time in awhile, I was able to read the Sunday paper. We watched some TV on Saturday night. We have spent time socially with friends and volunteered our services to babysit for others. These are all things that during the "Great Allmen House Hunt 2011" did not happen with regularity.
Which is good. We have a baby coming and still have more to prepare. There is schoolwork to catch up on - we both have some grading piled up that needs to be dealt with before maternity / paternity begins.
That being said, we are going to be negotiating this week about repairs that need to be made to the house. We had our inspection on Friday afternoon, and have a list of repair requests ready to send to the sellers.
Our inspector patiently walked through each part of the house and pointed out various trouble areas to me. We have a 34 page document now that I am sure will be useful for the next year, at least. Major areas of concern are updating the electrical and some of the appliances - some things in use that are now obsolete. We did not really negotiate with the sellers on the price of the house, so I am interested to know how this process will go.
Next step will be deciding when to move, and what work to do before we do. We may paint, and tear up some of the carpeting before anything else. And take down the aluminum window coverings.
A big question - what to do with our pink bathroom??
Anybody in the market for a pink toilet??
It comes to mind, because I feel that some regular routines are returning to our lives. For the first time in awhile, I was able to read the Sunday paper. We watched some TV on Saturday night. We have spent time socially with friends and volunteered our services to babysit for others. These are all things that during the "Great Allmen House Hunt 2011" did not happen with regularity.
Which is good. We have a baby coming and still have more to prepare. There is schoolwork to catch up on - we both have some grading piled up that needs to be dealt with before maternity / paternity begins.
That being said, we are going to be negotiating this week about repairs that need to be made to the house. We had our inspection on Friday afternoon, and have a list of repair requests ready to send to the sellers.
Our inspector patiently walked through each part of the house and pointed out various trouble areas to me. We have a 34 page document now that I am sure will be useful for the next year, at least. Major areas of concern are updating the electrical and some of the appliances - some things in use that are now obsolete. We did not really negotiate with the sellers on the price of the house, so I am interested to know how this process will go.
Next step will be deciding when to move, and what work to do before we do. We may paint, and tear up some of the carpeting before anything else. And take down the aluminum window coverings.
A big question - what to do with our pink bathroom??
Anybody in the market for a pink toilet??