Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Little guy update

35 weeks, and all is well!  Though Rachel has discovered the magic of Tums (she did not know what heartburn was until recently) she is still spry and relatively energetic.  And oh yeah, we think we have the name picked out.  More or less.  Ever since Rachel vetoed Zerubbabel.  

Here is the latest shot of my wife and the little parasite baby-to-be:

She made her 35 week sign with some extra artwork this week.  I am only the photographer; I do what I am told.  My best guess is that she drew that as a subliminal message to us all: she wants us to say she looks as big as a house!  I will let you try it on her first; let me know how it goes.

Rachel's 34 week picture was under special circumstances - we were super booked all week, so she decided to have her profile taken following Northwestern's win in the first round of the NIT.

The win was big, and we actually had decent seats (unlike our season tickets this year).  The men's team takes on Washington State in the NIT quarterfinals tonight; the game is on very late so I will likely watch it tomorrow.  

A few funny lines from students, unsolicited, as of late:

"Mr. Allmen, remember how before I told you that you look small for your age?  Well, I wanted to give you this tiny pen because it reminds me of you."

"You should wear the lab coat more often.  You actually look smart!"

"Will any of the people near the nuclear plant in Japan get super powers?"

"Woah, you mean there is actually some logic to drawing molecular structures?  I thought you were just making it up as you go along."

Oh kids.


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