Sunday, November 8, 2009


NU 17 Iowa 10

Northwestern gets its first win over a top 5 opponent since Eisenhower was president. (though they did beat #6 Ohio State in 2004) While some may argue that the win was made possible due to the injury to Iowa's quarterback, I would say that the injuries to NU (including to their top 2 quarterbacks) meet or exceed those of Iowa. So, I will hear no such excuses. NU wins! I can officially raise my bowl hopes beyond Detroit...there is hope for a warm-weather bowl.

I am glad I did not check my email, facebook, or talk to any college football fans this morning. They surely all would have revealed the score.

It was also strange to be leading for most of the game. This was much more of a hold-on-for-dear=life victory, as opposed to the standard adrenaline-pumping-come-from-behind-to-miraculously-win kind of games that NU tends to have. But still it was satisfying.

I am also glad it was a road game, so I do not have to feel like I "missed out." I would have watched it on TV no matter what.

In other news, the 7th grade continues to be ravaged by illness. The number of absent children and the number of mask-wearing kids hovered around 3-4 all week, so I am curious if things will return to normal by tomorrow. I have not heard of confirmed H1N1 cases, so for now we do not have to worry about the school being closed. (not that I would mind having a Swine Flu Day, assuming I was not sick...)

Finally, this past week my false idea about taxis was crushed. I have been in many taxis, and taken many rides in which I seriously thought my health and well being were in danger. Considering the number of accidents one sees on the road and the ways in which drivers drive, this fear is legitimate in my eyes. However, I told myself that taxi drivers must be experts in offensive driving, because despite their erratic behavior I had never seen a taxi in an accident. Thus, I was safe in a taxi. But this week I saw an accident involving THREE taxis. It was not too serious - some damage, but not enough to cause bodily harm. But it shattered what was, in my mind, the perfect driving record. Maybe I am not so safe after all when I place my life in their hands...


1 comment:

Eric and Liz said...

Your taxi misconception was definitely a blaring one. I mean, seriously, Alan. I bet there is some sort of agency for clearing those very quickly, especially when foreigners are within a close radius. But, we have found them out now, haven't we!
Come back to us safe! Next time you ride, have Rachel yell at them in Mandarin that you are an important dignitary and that she is your translator. Maybe then they'll go easy on you. (Either that, or Rachel will puke on em)