Thursday, June 10, 2010

First day in Chicago

So we drove yesterday from Detroit to Chicago and made it in plenty of time for Alan's first face-to-face interview. While he was there I played with the Dudes kids and looked at our students' pictures from the Yunnan trip. It was interesting to see how the same thing I was ooo ing and ahhing over appeared in a lot of their pictures....THE SKY! In Chicago it was blue with fluffy cloud and in Yunnan pics there was sun streaming through clouds over the lake. Anyway, I'm happy to be here and excited that the sun will be a normal part of my life again.

We stopped by and saw the Weddles and baby boo (not born yet). I'm glad their baby wasn't born yet so we didn't miss out on too much while we were gone, but I'm excited that it will happen soon!

We ended up at my sister's and got some local pizza for dinner. Alan worked on prep for today's interview and slept early while Sarah and I took an epic wedding adventure. We went first to the reception site and worked out some details there. We also went to David's Bridal for some final dress alterations and saw the church for the ceremony. It was cool to see it so I have an idea for the big day.

We came home in time to see Chicago win the Stanley Cup, GO BLACKHAWKS!


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