Saturday, August 7, 2010


We had our first meal prepared by the new Weber - blue cheese burgers with grilled onions on a pretzel bun.  Almost all of our meal was provided thanks to local farmer's markets, which make Rachel giggle/smile/cry/skip/dance all at once.  The freshness was definitely key, though.  Good taste, and the grill make it super easy.

Rachel also loves food pics.

Today was a flurry of household activity, as I painted bathroom #2 and Rachel turned our junk room into a respectable office / guest room.  I can say now that we are officially unpacked and moved in.  


Check out our clean hallway!


1 comment:

Eric and Liz said...

Yay, now get back to Chicago and grill for us.
I'm looking forward to some grilled veggies and now I have to try a pretzel bun. I may have to tag along on the next farmers market trip.
Hope you guys are enjoying Michigan. Your area of the neighborhood is certainly getting a lot of attention while you're away!