Monday, September 6, 2010

New classroom, new school year

This is my new classroom at Ogden.  I've had 7 official work days thus far (plus I went in for one extra day to get things done).  The school year starts officially tomorrow - though my high schoolers will really have an orientation day.  No classes until Wednesday.

This weekend I have been balancing many things - seeing friends (people from NU on Saturday, from church on Sunday, and later today, old colleagues from CDIS), watching football (NU is 1-0 as they beat Vandy), and doing some prep work for the upcoming school year.  There are an endless list of little things I could be doing, but only some will certainly be finished by tomorrow.  Speaking of, I probably need to iron some shirts today.

I vacillate back and forth between nervousness and confidence regarding the school year.  I want to do a good job, but I do not want to work 80 hours a week.  I am nervous about teaching a new subject (chemistry) but then I remember that I handled teaching 5 different classes last having 1 does not sound too bad.  I wonder if I will be tough enough to handle discipline, but then I remember that a lot of my students came to this school to escape the craziness of their own neighborhood schools.  So really, I should be feeling good about the year. 

Maybe after week 1 is done, I will actually FEEL good about it.


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