Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Busy times!

This week is a full schedule at the Allmen house. 

After a weekend spent in Michigan trying to not completely wreck Mom's new condo, we came back without our toiletries.  As a result, this morning, Rachel spent a few extra minutes staring at the mirror wondering what to do with herself sans hair straightener.  Meanwhile, I had to grab a pink razor to give myself a shave.  Ouch!  Those things are cheap.

This afternoon we will see some houses in Bridgeport (our current neighborhood) though there are only 2 in the Bridgeport school district that we want to live in. 

Tonight we will travel to Evanston to see NU play in the [sigh] NIT tournament.  A season that could have been.  Oh well, I hope they win.


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