Sunday, October 2, 2011

Adventures in Taichung

 We took our first road trip up to Taichung on Friday.  This is where Stephen goes to boarding school (a senior already).  We left a little earlier than expected so that we could watch Stephen in his class Moot Court simulation.  It was fun to see a social studies class in action and to see my little bro debating.  After school we spent a lot of time in Stephen's super swanky dorm common area visiting and killing time before his concert.  My energy level was very low during the concert and after I dozed off on the bench outside.  I actually didn't know that the picture below was taken!  Stephen did sing very well and Andrew managed to have decent but not perfect concert etiquette.
The next morning we picked Stephen up from school and headed out to a mall to celebrate my dad's birthday at Chili's.  Andrew met a model at the Vespa display but I didn't let him ride off into the sunset with her.  
We happily posed in front of the sign not knowing the drama that would ensue in the next 30 minutes.
Andrew looked happy here but he was about to set in motion his most heinous crime to date...
Who me?  How could I do anything bad?
Let's just say that the Taiwan diaper could not contain this American baby's gifts.  There was no bathroom in the Chili's and I carried Andrew awkwardly out from my body as I tried to find a bathroom in the fancy wall.  Yes, we may have left a trail behind us.  My mom found her way down as well and helped to give Andrew a mini bath and get him a new diaper.  Here he is right after we got the situation under control.  Doesn't he look innocent?

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