Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

On Tuesday, Becca, Sarah, and Dave came over to our house for our inaugural "Miller Family Christmas."  
We ate ham with all the fixings, and opened presents by the tree.  Andrew opened some gifts from his Taiwanese grandparents, as they watched via Skype.  He did pretty well - he loves paper, so being able to grab at the box and rip the paper was natural for him.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for sending along those toys and getting the Christmas season started!

We have all traveled now to Michigan to be with Mom for the rest of the holiday.  This is a wonderfully timed vacation - I finished school with a half day on Thursday, and now I am off until the 9th of January.  There will be uninterrupted time now to spend with family with no cares about work - yet there will be plenty of time to get that business squared away after the New Year.

Andrew was not too helpful in putting things on the tree, but he mostly stayed out of the way.

But of course, once the tree was done, all bets were off.  The challenge of having a slightly mobile baby at Christmas was learning to be vigilant in watching what he was getting his sticky fingers on.  The stage of setting Andrew down and letting him play while casually watching him are over - the time to baby proof and hover have begun.  He loves electrical cords, trash cans, and anything plastic. 

We have kept him out of harm's way so far, but as you can see, he already does not like to be told "no."

It was a busy month for me, with the beginning of bowling and Science Olympiad seasons - together with holiday parties, Northwestern basketball, etc.  But at the end of the day, how can you not enjoy seeing this face?

Andrew is sleeping now, this Christmas Eve Eve, hopefully dreaming of sugar plums...


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