Friday, February 3, 2012

Hey! Look what I can do!

Andrew turned 9 months yesterday and seems to be adding to his skill list daily.  Check out his progress in some videos below:

The first one features Andrew's newfound ability to pull himself up on the couch.

This one shows you how Andrew gets down after pulling himself into a stand.

Yesterday, Andrew was cruising like a big boy.  For those of you who don't know, cruising means walking while holding onto furniture.  He was motivated to move when he spotted the Kansas Day trophy his daddy earned.

Finally, I last night I was getting Andrew ready for bed as we watched the NU game.  He seemed really interested and I had to catch a little video of his cheering.  Too bad he wasn't wearing his purple diaper!

We have been enjoying the balmy weather and taking a lot of walks in the neighborhood.  Andrew loves seeing the dogs.  A lot of owners are kind enough to stop so he can get a better look.  One yesterday asked his age and I said he just turned nine months.  She replied saying he's now been on the outside as long as he was on the inside.  Wow.  My little guy is growing up.



Sarah said...

Smiles from ear to ear :)

LOVE all the videos!!!!!

Kate said...

oh my gosh!! I can't believe all the stuff he can do! he's getting so big!