Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Spring break is well underway, and I find myself in a funk on a beautiful Tuesday.  Why is that?  Well, our house is a mess.  Prior to vacation, Rachel and I talked some about house duties and things to be done during this time.  We prioritized and scheduled....but of course, the schedule was over ambitious.

So far, I have built a gate for Mom's house (where we will be going on Thursday through to Easter), organized more tools in the basement, and installed shoe molding in the dining room.  Yesterday, Tom came over and we spent the day dismantling the faux fireplace in the living room.  (Yes, THAT fireplace which I was unsuccessful at stripping and restoring)  There is now a giant hole in the wall and a pile of bricks against the side of the house.


 Prying out the bricks

 Passing bricks out through the window


The living room is more or less "off-limits" right now, as we moved out most of the furniture and there is dust on everything.  I removed some floor boards and prepped to install some new lengths, as there was a cutout in the floor surrounding the brick.  More shoe molding is painted and ready to go in.  There is a sheet of drywall in the basement waiting to be hung and painted.  Oh, and don't forget about the plan I was supposed to make about plumbing improvements to the upstairs bath...

So plenty has been done, and plenty left to do.  I just wish I had only one project to consider.  Oh well, now I know for next time.

And don't even talk to me about the pile of weeds that is my front yard!

But the next few days will provide a break....Rachel and I will go on an afternoon date tomorrow, and we will head to MI on Thursday where I will not have to worry about all this!

No, Andrew wasn't hit with a brick....in an unrelated incident last week, he fell and inflicted this nose bleed on himself.  Rachel showed him his image in the mirror and he was appropriately horrified!
