Sunday, May 31, 2009


This weekend, we had our staff banquet.  We got dressed up and went to a hotel downtown for dinner, dancing, and some meaningful goodbyes to the departing staff.  It was a fun night, because we were able to focus on celebrating the year that has passed.

Do you like my new tailored suit?

 Tomorrow begins middle and high school finals.  It is the last dash to the end of the year.  If I blink I will miss it all... Finals happen Monday through Wednesday.  We will have a middle school awards ceremony on Monday.  Wednesday is graduation (and my birthday!) and grades are due.  Thursday we will have a closing reflection on the year, where students say goodbye to those who are leaving.  Thursday night will be the teachers' last trip to the night market for dinner, and it will be my birthday celebration :)  Friday is clean-up and check-out, and hopefully a BBQ that night!  Phew, I am tired just thinking about it.  I need to worry about finishing my last final exam!

AND my parents arrive on Saturday night.  Crazy! 


1 comment:

Kate said...

hope you have a great birthday celebration, Alan!