Sunday, December 5, 2010

The tree revealed!

Here are some pictures of our tree - a 7' Fraser fir we got from Home Depot.  I suppose we should have bought one from a corner lot in the neighborhood somewhere to support local businesses, but for the price, selection, and prior good experience it seemed like the best option.  Throw in a $5 wreath, and you can't beat it.

This weekend we also went to see a play called the "Book of Liz," a comedy about a woman from an Amish-like community and her process of self-realization.  It was a very small theater, and we attended with a large group of NU alums - part of the "Holiday Kick-off" thrown every year by our friends Angela and Chris.  Prior to show, we had eaten a tasty meal at a Latino steakhouse...but were late in arriving to the theater.  They told us to use the bathroom prior to the show, because the show was 90 minutes with no intermission.  Come to find out, there was only 1 bathroom and it was behind the stage.  Hmmmm.  The show started 20 minutes late because of us.  Oops. was a fun night and a good time to spend with old friends.  There was even a special guest in from out of town, and an engagement announced!

This week is the school science fair.  I suppose I should be excited being a science teacher and all, but I would be lying.  Between this and Thanksgiving break, I have not taught much chemistry since early November.


1 comment:

EricW said...

On the subject of buying trees at your local lot vs. Home Depot, we are both agnostic. It looks like you got a nice one though. I'm sorry I didn't volunteer the Jeep for transporting it. This is probably the Jeep's last Christmas anyway, if Liz has her way.