Monday, September 19, 2011

New camera!

Back in the summer, when I participated in the Field Museum's Genetics program, I also signed up to try out some of their pilot lessons.  For a price, of course.  In addition to an overly generous stipend (considering the time commitment), they doled out Flip cameras so that we could video tape the pre- and post-lesson discussions with the students.  It is mine to keep, and so I am using it in the meantime to get some footage of the little guy.

Nothing too exciting - he is only 4 months old, after all - but it seems like it be useful to document!

I find it hard to remember what I posted about last.  Better go check it out...

Ok.  It has been a lean month on this blog, hasn't it?  I hope you have not completely abandoned us.

Rachel has been getting involved more at Ogden (my high school).  She came with me on a field trip last week, as I took my AP class to Lincoln Park to play make observations of plants in the conservatory and collect water samples for testing.  The kids all loved seeing Andrew, though most were too tentative to get too close.

Today, she was back in the afternoon because she is volunteering to do some leadership development with our incoming student council leaders.  She prepped hard for her first meeting today, and the newbies expressed thanks for her efforts.

Between these visits, my fellow staff are now well acquainted with the family and so the "How's Andrew?" questions should only increase.  Not a bad thing, but I need to get my sound bites ready!

Speaking of, Andrew is a drool monster.  His shirt is constantly drenched in saliva.  People ask constantly if he is teething.  I have no idea...and he seems young.  But every old lady at church has some grandchild who got teeth early.  Never argue with grandma, right?

His real Grandma came last weekend.  We had a fun time, including taking in his first Northwestern football game.  We won!

He is a fast sleeper now that he is flipping to the belly.  Nap and bedtime usually consists of one trip to the bedroom to replace the fallen pacifier, and then he is out.  It is not as cute to watch the back of a sleeping baby's head, but it is a fair tradeoff if he nods of quickly.

 Andrew at the park on Labor Day

At home, work on the house is still on hiatus until the Taiwan trip.  When Rachel leaves, I will spend more time finishing up the projects around here: reinstalling shoe molding, toe kicks, basement shelving, etc.  Enough to keep my busy but not too much to be daunting.  I had toyed with the idea of renovating the bathroom during this time, but it seems we have used up our renovation budget for the year.  Unfortunately, we jumped the gun and bought a new vanity, which sits in our garage.  I should bring it into the basement before winter hits.  Phil, how soon will you be here?  :)


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