Saturday, November 5, 2011

What do you do?

I feel like this post is long overdue.  It is time to face the facts and admit I have a pretty sweet job.  Sorry for those of you who have to work in a boring cubicle or on a chilly chain gang.  I might have one of the best gigs around.  I get the pleasure of staying home with my little boy and trying to keep our house in some state of order.  It has been an adjustment to appreciate this new role but I am really starting to love this stage of my life.  I do miss the classroom. I do miss having consistent interaction with other adults, but the sacrifice is worth it.

So what does a stay at home mom do all day?  Well, it really varies on the day but I try to mix things up as much as I can while simultaneously trying to set some routines.  A lot of the day is all about my little cutie and taking care of his needs.  Another priority I have is making dinner.  I try to have it done or almost done by the time Alan comes home.  Note, this isn't something Alan demands but I usually am hungry and want to eat as soon as we can!  In order to do this I might start chopping veggies as early as 1pm, although I usually get started around 3.  If Andrew cooperates I can get a lot done during his late afternoon nap, but if he doesn't I sometimes just wear him while I chop, measure, and stir.  It has been really fun preparing a lot of new recipes and learning more about cooking.  I don't necessarily think I'm a good cook yet but my confidence is growing daily. 

There are a lot of mundane things that I do almost daily like washing cloth diapers or sweeping the floor but I want to share some pictures from the last couple of weeks that show the joys of the job.

This was one of Andrew's first times in a swing.  He loved it!  One of the things we do almost daily is take walks around our neighborhood.  I try to hit up a local parks, do a little grocery shopping, or just drool over the beautiful features on century old homes in the area.

I try to take advantage of opportunities to meet other parents in the neighborhood and give Andrew a change of scenery whenever possible.  Here he is playing at a local church during their open gym time for the little ones.  He might be the youngest one there by at least a year, but we have fun scooting on the gym mats and watching the big kids run around.

Last Saturday we hit up a park that houses a really neat garden and greenhouse.  I tried to get some nice nature glamor shots, but Andrew was being less than cooperative.  I look forward to going back to this garden next year and teaching Andrew about all the plants.

Leaves are nutritious right?

I'm not digging the stump mom

Throwing a fit in the woodchips= one dirty jacket

Yay!  One good shot with my baby and the scarecrow!

I cherish the moments in the day when Alan gets to play and bond with Andrew.  It is so cute to see them together.  It is a blessing to share the joys and burdens of raising a child with my husband.
What you looking at?!?

 Alan and Andrew have a little jam season.  Daddy plays and baby sings!

My new job is trying to get my boy to eat solid foods while minimizing mess.  He has tried rice cereal, bananas, butternut squash, and today a bit of sweet potato.  It is funny to see the faces he makes as he navigates the feeling of having bits of food stuck on his tongue.  I will admit that I'm not the best at eating  without spilling so it becomes even more difficult when trying to feed someone else with very active hands. 

Smiles abound!
 Squash make up

Finally one of the things I have really tried to do is make new friends and stay connected to old friends.  I have met a lot of other mamas through various meet ups including What's Cookin' Mama.  It has been a lot of fun getting to know them and their kiddos.  I have also enjoyed seeing friends from our old neighborhood and being shocked at how quickly they grow.  This week Andrew had a play date (although he slept through most of it) with this little cutie.  You can't really see but the blocks denote their ages (4 and 6 months).  I remember being pregnant with Jessica last year and it is just so amazing to see the fruits of our labor!  :-P

So, when I'm asked what do I do...I get to say I'm a proud mom.  Yes, I want to go back to teaching at some point but I'm loving every moment that I have at home.


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