Thursday, October 8, 2009

I was crazy

I just re-read the first paragraph from my previous post. The part about being warm and comfortable? Yeah, right!

The weather these last two days were miserable. Most of the time, it is of little bother - I am inside, well protected from any of the horrors of the outdoors. But when it comes time to go out. The weather has instantly turned from warm, pleasant, and sunny into cold and wet. The sky is a dull gray. The sun is hiding like a cared kid, as if the moon could be coming any moment to steal its lunch money. Everything looks wet, but it is not raining. The air is cold but humid, with a fine mist in the air. I get on my bike and start riding. The blood rushes away from my hands, which begin to shiver. My back muscles tighten in response to the cold wind. But worst of all - my eyes. Once I am in motion, the perpetual mist that hangs in the air begins to hit my eyes, bringing the stinging acidic pain that otherwise only comes with peeling a citrus fruit carelessly. And so I squint all the way home, praying that I can maintain the fine line between protecting my eyes from the pollution and my bike from unexpected oncoming traffic.

In other news, we went to a colleague's wedding last Sunday, which I have been meaning to post some pictures of. We had to travel to the countryside for it, so it was a fun excursion.

Tomorrow I will be homeless, as teenage girls will be running wild through my apartment all night long. Let's hope they don't rifle through my unmentionables.


1 comment:

Eric and Liz said...

huh, I didn't know you had it in you, Alan. I thought you were the one who told Rachel not to whine...boy was I wrong! ha!