Saturday, August 23, 2008

First week of school

We made it!

Our first full week of school is over and done with, and I am actually feeling pretty good about where things are right now! In the limited time I have had there, I have been impressed with the school and the students. Here's some thoughts (I'm feeling list-y):

1) The students are smart and hard-working. Now, I can see some exceptions to this, but in making comparisons to our old students in Chicago I would say that the students here would come out very favorably. They are studious, polite, respectful, and many appear to be smart. One example - I am giving my math class logic puzzles at the beginning of class. Nearly all of them get into it and try to solve it - and so far, they have gotten them all. In Chicago, few of my students would have bothered to attempt it unless I made it worth a grade!

2) Teachers have autonomy. I almost do not know what to do with the amount of freedom I am given to teach whatever I would like!

3) Everyone is addicted to energy consumption. That is a universal principle. I have to fight to convince everyone that we can stay perfectly comfortably with open windows - it is wasteful to keep the AC on all day! Environmentalism is not as trendy as it is in the states.

4) Middle school is not so scary. Having not taught middle school before, I was a little concerned. But I have really liked these kids so far! It is a pleasant surprise, I must say.


1 comment:

Yeahthatgood said...

Hmmm but if the air conditioner has a filter it can clean some of the coal soot out of the air that was burned to make the electricity to make it cooler...yeah that makes sense...I think :)