Friday, February 5, 2010

LOST Oddities?

The last season (boy, I hope it really is the last!) of Lost began this week, and we invited some friends to come and watch it with us this week. And if you have ever seen that show, the strangeness surrounding our viewing seems to fit.

First, the plug to our heating unit sparked and partially melted, leaving us in the cold. (we have since had it fixed!) So, we plugged in some space heaters and were ok. After a few minutes, the TV shut off. We tripped the circuit breaker. We started it again. And tripped it again. So we did away with the space heaters, and did not have further problems.

Then there is a mysterious knock on the door. No one EVER knocks on our door unannounced. When you live on the 5th floor, people do not just "drop by." It was a trio of Chinese women, who came asking questions about our house. We rent. We are not sure from whom...all I know is, someone other than me pays the rent each month. We had no answers for them, and they left.

Then the phone rings. It is one of my students, sobbing because his computer shut down and he lost the work for his project. I've been without a cell phone for months, and I rarely get phone calls.

It was a lot of weirdness, to celebrate the beginning of a season of a weird show. But Rachel's geeked out - after the 2 hour season premiere, she was worried she wouldn't be able to sleep when we got in bed, because her mind was racing as thought about the show. :)


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