Wednesday, February 2, 2011


There's a lot of snow outside.  I slept in until 8:30 with no trouble - but that did not help the white mess outside go away.  I had some breakfast and went out the door - and only saw snow drifts in all directions.  The street was unplowed, and none of the sidewalk in view was cleared.  The wind made the snow drift, and the blowing snow made me feel like I was on Hoth (think Star Wars, Episode V).

I cleared one shovel-width on the sidewalk out front, and found that the drifts were waist-high in front of our house.

Then I helped some people who got stuck at the intersection - one 4-wheel drive Wrangler, and a Hummer.  Rachel had illusions of having a snow-day meet-up with her sister, but unfortunately she did not see all that.

I came in before tackling the car - the snow is piled 2-3 feet on all sides, and if not for the antenna I would hardly be able to recognize it. 


1 comment:

EricW said...

"hardly not be able to..." Goodness, Alan! :-)