Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowmaggeddon Part II

The unthinkable happened - snow day #2 for Chicago Public Schools.  We slept in for the second straight day, and have taken this as a sort of Sabbath rest following all the crazy activity and travel of the past 2 weeks.  Our house is still not cleaned up, but with Rachel leaving later today for 4 days at a hotel downtown, it has been hard for me to get the momentum to clean things up.

I heard that Michigan had less than a half foot.  A good amount, but nothing compared to what we had here.  O'Hare reported 20.2 inches, making this the #3 snowfall in Chicago history.  Not bad, eh?

Things are getting cleared out - and school will resume tomorrow.  However, I have no classes (parent-teacher conferences) and Rachel will be downtown at the Model UN conference.

Here are a few images from the storm...

The view from our front door, looking north on Princeton.  The snow drifts tended to build on our side of the street.

Looking south down Princeton from our front door.  I had shoveled the sidewalk less than an hour previously.

Here I am in front of the car, just before digging it out.

This is the car, after being dug out.  Not bad, eh?  (I did have some help from a city worker riding around on an ATV with a snow plow attached.  But still it was a lot of work.  My back is sore today!)

We also took a pleasure trip to Quarry Park, which has a giant hill that is great for sledding.  We met some friends from church and had some fun.

Finally, a quick video that Rachel shot towards the end of the blizzard, as the clean-up was just getting underway.


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