Thursday, April 28, 2011

And the waiting comes in waves

Everyday this week, I have gone in to work and taught my classes; each day I rewrite my lesson plans under the auspices that I will not be there the next day.  As a result, my desk has stayed superbly clean.  While I sense that the birth is coming soon, each afternoon my gut feeling switches as I come to believe that tomorrow will not be the day.  But at any time those lesson plans could go into effect...Too bad, because we are in the biochemistry unit right now.  But enough about my issues - I have no reason to complain, right?

Rachel is having some irregular contractions, but nothing to get too hopeful about yet.  The doctor has an induction scheduled for Monday in the EARLY morning.  Will she last until then??  (she hopes not!)

In other news, I have been going up to the house after school to deal with our contractors.  Today, the flooring guys came to sand.  It came out really well!  They will be working to finish it over the next couple of days.

And the electricians finished today.  They rewired 2/3 of the house, replaced all kinds of outlets, installed new fixtures, and replaced our electrical panel.  Expensive, but worth it.

And so we keep waiting.


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