Monday, April 25, 2011

Electricity, electricity...

Today our electrical work officially started on the new house.  We have an old fuse box and some old wiring but we hired a father-son duo to help us make the house safe and more in line with code.  As Alan had to go to work, I had the pleasure of letting them in and reviewing what they were going to do.  I hadn't been a part of this process earlier so I mostly read off the cheat sheet Alan made for me :-)

I left shortly after but it seems like they got a lot of work done today.  They were still there when Alan and I returned to the house after I picked him up from work.  I know they did a lot of important things, but the new fixtures looked so good!

Today we also hit the baby's official due date and celebrated by eating dinner in our new dining room.  I made the food back in Bridgeport and then heated it in our new oven.  It will be nice when all our stuff is under one roof!

Pictures to come...I keep getting a "server rejected" error message.


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