Friday, October 28, 2011


So babies do grow fast!

After Rachel returned back from Taiwan, I found Andrew to be more mobile and curious than the baby I remember sending away for two and half weeks.  And in the time since he has been back, more milestones have been met.

First, he is starting to move.  Like an inchworm, he will army crawl inch by inch in search of toys or things to suck.  He rotates, changing his orientation from one direction to the other with ease.  He can lift his head WAY in the air to check out his surroundings.  And he finds things we would not have anticipated...

Then today, Rachel announced that it was time to start feeding him "real food."  We fed him, successfully, a small bowl of baby rice cereal.  Still mostly liquid, but it was on a spoon and he liked it.  That's what counts.

There is so much more to come.  It is really just the beginning of an exciting time in his life!

It had been good to be reunited as a family these past weeks.  Though we both were ok in our time away, life together in much better.  Rachel has been helping me get on top of my schoolwork, and making sure that I am well fed.  I think the house is cleaner with her here as well.  I suppose only getting 5 hours of sleep a night will free up extra time for chores...

But hopefully that is only temporary.  The jet lag really wore Rachel down, because Andrew failed to readjust his nighttime sleeping patterns.  But yesterday she removed the pacifier from the bedtime routine, and he actually went to sleep faster and stayed down longer than he did before!  Tonight he also fell asleep fast, so this trend is definitely trending up.

Otherwise in life...I am busy at work but that is nothing new.  Northwestern is disappointing us in sports, but that is also not news.  Halloween is upon us, and for the first time we will have to be responsible community members and distribute candy to all those do-nothing kids in the neighborhood looking for handouts.  Rachel is tempted to go door-to-door with Andrew to score some free candy.  I was just looking forward to getting the discounted candy from Target on Nov 1...

Fights at school are getting everyone down.  We need some snow to cool everyone off and put the bad blood on ice for another season. 

Go Cats.  Let's win tomorrow, ok?


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