Sunday, October 9, 2011

More fun in Taiwan!

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile, we have been busy playing and seeing the sights around town!
 Andrew really likes playing with Grandpa and seeing his crazy faces.  Last night he laughed for a few minutes as Grandpa was doing the classic monster faces and trying to eat him.  I found it a bit scary but Andrew likes it.
 Andrew spends his time outside of our arms on this comforter playing with toys.  It was actually my blanket in high school so I was surprised to see that it made the trip to Taiwan.  I would have never imagined that my little boy would one day be drooling all over it.  For those of you who don't know the giraffe in the picture is named Sophie and is the go to teething toy for spoiled babies in America.  Evidently they sell them in Taiwan too but she is prized out of reach for the average family.  I did see her in a stroller on the MRT and 2 people have talked about her.  Who knew this little French giraffe was so popular?
 Andrew has enjoyed all the attention he is getting from family and from friends of my parents.  He hasn't hit the point of stranger anxiety yet so he has done remarkably well with the hand offs to many many aiyis.
 It seems like Andrew really would be a great swimmer if we got him in the water.  Can't you just imagine him under the sea as he posed Monday under the dome of light in the MRT.
 On Tuesday we went to Dream Mall and learned that Andrew's interest in food is growing by the day.  We did not share our meal but we did give him a plastic spoon to play with.  This weekend we gave him a plastic cup and old yogurt containers...why does he like playing with junk when he has so many nice toys????
 Andrew's hunger seemingly continued as he attempted to eat this nice Taiwanese toddler that we met at the pet shop.  The little boy seemed scared but intrigued by the mini foreign devil.
 Wednesday, my mom had over about a dozen ladies who doted and entertained Andrew during their potluck.  It was interesting to see how everyone has their own tricks of what they think a baby likes.  I have seen tactics such as silly voices, clucking, clicking, clapping, shoving toys in his face, singing, and many more.
 After all that attention at the potluck, Andrew was tired out when we stopped by the Jade market.  I hoped to find something really cool, but alas I only went home with a papya milk drink.
 Later that night we stopped by the study at the Train Station Church (where I lived the Summer of 2001) for everyone to meet Andrew.  I guess they knew he was coming because someone greeted us with fireworks ;).

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Looks like you're having a wonderful time! I LOVE seeing all the pics!