Monday, September 1, 2008

A change in the weather?

For several days now, the sun has been shining! The clouds are always around, but blue sky was prominent for most of the day. When we got home, I noticed that the humidity has been dropping as well - our dehumidifier usually works hard to keep the relative humidity at 60%, but right now the air is at 37% all on its own. It's a wonderful thing!

There was another quake southwest of here - a 6.1 rumbler that cost more lives and damage. Nothing felt here, in my opinion, but if you ask Rachel she's been feeling lots of little earthquakes. It is sad to hear about more destruction being put upon this area - it probably cannot get much worse. After all the jubilation over the Olympics, this is definitely sobering news. It will cartainly give me something good to discuss this week in Earth Science - along with Gustav as it hits the gulf coast. This crazy planet of ours...

Rachel spent the weekend downtown with the student government, on a retreat. She had a fun time with the students, which I am happy about. She doesn't get to be so carefree and silly too much nowadays. Time with teenagers is a good remedy for being too serious. For my part, I enjoyed the time to talk with friends in the states on Skype, and to see new friends around here.

Now, a new week has started and there's more to be done. Rachel is still at work writing some type of assignment, while I am reading Survival of the Sickest. I have enjoyed it so far - it is a look at different diseases and the potential genetic origins of them. For example, hemochromatosis (which involves the body storing excessive amounts of iron) is thought to have helped Europeans survive the plague in the Middle Ages. Becuase it gave an advantage to those people, it stayed in the gene pool and persists through today.

Unfortunately, I'm going to be out of reading material soon! Ack!


1 comment:

Eric and Liz said...

Hey friends!
I love it when you update your blog :-)
Alan-I've been reading the CS Lewis Space Trilogy. Have you read them? If you're looking for reading material, that is good stuff. fiction. Perhaps there are no copies around though.
Love you both!