Monday, October 27, 2008

Poetry lovers out there?

I received a text over this past weekend, but I'm not sure how to take it. Kate, please help me interpret!

"I write a poem give you and wish you and you lover would happinss forever.

i remember

i remenber the perfect smile in shine morning.
i remenber the perfect wint in romantic night
i remenber the perfect ring in love
i remenber the perfect flower in my eyes through windom
i remenber the perfect wind in my face thougt the sea
i remenber the perfect friend in my tear though sation
i remenber the perfect lover in my soul though kissing"

It was not a case of mistaken identity - this text was definitely supposed to go to me. So what the heck does it mean?

In other goings on, I want to report a good time at English corner last Friday. I had the most stimulating academic conversation I've had since coming to China - and it was with Chinese students speaking another language! We talked global economics, free trade, American politics, environmental policy, and architecture, among other things. I was impressed. We'll miss it this coming Friday, but for a good cause - we'll be taking a trip downtown to eat at the Shangri-la hotel. Niiiiiiice.


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