Tuesday, March 17, 2009

it's about time

I never EVER thought I would wear long underwear so much. I thought only Canadians were subjected to that kind of lifestyle.

But after countless weeks of wearing that extra layer, methinks it is time to retire it. We've had three days of warm, and forecasts look good. We even had three straight days of what I call "Chengdu sun." [Chengdu sun is a condition where there are not really clouds, so you can see the outline of the sun and elements of blue in the sky. Anywhere else, it would be called "hazy." But here, I consider it a sunny day.]

The weather here has actually had strange affects on my teaching. Today I was questioning my 6th graders about what causes blue skies - when I realized, many of them don't REALLY know what a blue sky looks like! And studying the weather in Chengdu is pretty boring, because the forecast is the same for 5 months straight - 10 degrees C and gray!

The mornings are light now - the streets are naturally lit when we leave for school, and the old folks are out on the adult playground, doing their exercises. It really helps to start the day off right!

Can it stay spring forever? I could get used to this.


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