Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Family Fun

My parents arrived on Saturday night, very late. Their plane landed after 11pm, and we all did not go to bed until after 1am. Despite that start, they have adjusted well to the change in time and we have had an active start to our vacation.

We have not had too much Chinese food, though....tacos, Zoe's BBQ, etc have also been a part of the meal plan as well. We shall see how adventurous we will get!

Sunday we traveled downtown for the international fellowship and had lunch afterwards. Back at home, we watched the Red Wings win while hanging some pictures in our living room. That got Dad on a kick about how to possibly improve our Slingbox image....apparently you get used to watching fuzzy internet TV after a year away from having satellite.

Monday, we went to the bulk market and the tailor. Dad is getting a suit made, while Mom got fabric to reupholster some chairs back in Michigan. Then we went to Tianfu Square to see Mao....while he was there, the fountains in the square were off and it was not too interesting. One day, the subway will be open and that place will be much more happenin'. From there, we went to the "People's Park" and watched the old folks dance and sing, then sat for a cup of afternoon tea. Relaxing!

Tuesday we mostly recharged - a tour of CDIS and a chance to ride the scooters. So we should all be rested for our trip tomorrow to the pandas!!


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