Friday, June 12, 2009

The Great Firewall

According to the Wall Street Journal


multiple social networking sites were blocked in China for the past 2 weeks. Several of those sites are back online as of June 9, but Blogger appears to have joined the naughty list along with Youtube, and has not been brought back up. Thanks again to Eric for helping me work around this - I hope this doesn't blacklist you from future business ventures.

In terms of vacation, things continue to be eventful. In some ways, I feel as though I am repeating the steps of the Weddle's visit in April - see the pandas, eat at Zoe's, go to English corner, tour CDIS, etc. In other ways, however, things are unique. The pace is a little slower (I'm not complaining!). The cab rides are a little quieter (Liz and Rachel - a powerful combination). And some new destinations have been added to the list.

For example, we visited the Sichuan Provincial Museum, which just reopened in May. It was chocked full of fascinating artwork and crafts, all of which predate all of American history by a few thousand years. I was impressed with the quality of the building and the displays - it was all at American-style museum quality. Well worth the visit.

We have also done a lot more tea drinking, since we have made stops at several tea houses. My Dad professes to be a non-tea-drinker, but he has already sipped on three occasions. Here we are at the teahouse in the People's Park:

And last night we made a trip to the Sichuan Opera (it is not so much an opera as a cultural variety show). Rachel and I had been once before, but this was a better-quality show. The costumes and talent were top-notch. We were not close enough to feel the heat of the fire blowing in our faces during the grand finale, but it was a good time.

Only a few days left in Chengdu - we leave Monday for Xian!


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