Friday, July 24, 2009

Anniversary dinner

Thursday was our 4 year anniversary. As a reward, we slept in for the first time in awhile. [on a side note, it is a strange summer - this is the first I can remember routinely getting up early even though I do not have to. We set our own work hours, so I could easily sleep until 11 and work in the afternoon. But I'm not.]

We left with the Chinese staff on the school bus downtown at 3. It was a beautiful day - the sun was shining and there was blue sky in all directions. [though the sun did make it quite hot] Here we are on the Jiang River.

We first went to Chunxi Lu. Rachel was keen on going to UNIQLO, a Japanese clothing retailer that specializing in the monochromatic wears that she so loves. With a new shirt in tow, she finally looked at home in Chengdu's hottest shopping district.

For dinner, we went to eat at Cafe Z in the Shangri-la. We had been here once in the fall with some other friends, and loved it the first time. We dined on a buffet featuring Japanese, Mediterranean, Indian, Middle Eastern, Chinese, and Cantonese cuisine. The best part, however, is the dessert - all the premium chocolates you could eat!

It was a wonderful date. The cost was definitely worth it in the smiles I got from Rachel!


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