Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday night update - orphanage and no power

Just a few tidbits before going to bed:

- I have mentioned before here that there is an orphanage in Deyang which our school has a relationship with. This Saturday, we participated in the annual Christmas party for the kids there. [Yes, Christmas was awhile ago, but most of us are gone over the real Christmas holiday and the exact date is not too important to the kids since Christmas is still not really part of the culture here.] Rachel's service club planned games and collected presents, and we celebrated with cake and cookies. By the end, the kids were hyped up on sugar and seemed to have a good time. I hope our visit was a blessing to them! It was my first time there, and I was happy to finally have the chance to go. Special thanks go to Zack, who after coercing me into dressing as Santa willingly took back the responsibility and made a very convincing St. Nick. [Sorry, no pictures - I cannot post pictures of the kids.]

- We just watched the tape of NU beating Purdue in basketball. What a game! It was a fun upset. After watching them lose to Wisconsin in the final minutes, I am glad they are back on track to make their 1st ever NCAA tournament (yes, I know I getting a little ahead of myself).

- Tomorrow is my worst nightmare...I got an email that school would be without power. Our heat is electric, so that means it will be a cold day at work - jackets and mittens all day long. I am plotting how many layers of wool and fleece I can possibly get on my body...


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