Sunday, January 10, 2010

Workweek done, and other musings

One of my colleague's Skype status says it best: "Back in Chengdu. Back to reality."

Vacation is a distant memory, as one full week of work is complete. Actually, the return to CDIS was as smooth as could be hoped. It gets dark here around 6pm - and each day this week I rode home during the daylight hours. After the grind of December, I consider that a triumph.

Even better - I did not have to bring any papers or books home. I cannot say same for Rachel...**

I actually finished reading How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer; this book gives a fascinating look at the interplay between the emotional and rational parts of our brain as we make decisions. The counter-intuitive conclusion may surprise you: let the rational part of your brain make simple decisions, but leave the large, complicated decisions of life up to your emotional brain. In other words - when it comes to the big things, go with your gut because reason will let you down.

This week begins with a teacher work day, which is close as we can get to a shortened week. No MLK or Pulaski Day in Chengdu, unfortunately. (But in 4 weeks, we get a full 2 weeks off. I'm flying for ridiculously cheap to Abu Dhabi. I can't really complain).

Finally, after a long delay, a selection of pictures from our Christmas in Chicago, Detroit, and Dallas.


**Full disclosure: This unflattering image is not representative of Rachel's life. It was a momentary explosion of paper that was quickly contained. This is however, a haunting image that brings back memories of her unfortunate, pre-marriage lifestyle as a first year teacher in 2004.

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