Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monday morning drowsies

Lately, Sunday nights just have not seemed as restful. I am blaming it on the fact that I can sleep in a little more on Sunday, so I am not as tired when 10pm rolls around. Both Rachel and I suffered some bouts of sleeplessness during the night. My dream involved flying to Detroit, but forgetting to get off the plane when we landed.

I usually like to start my day by trolling the headlines for any important news that I can incorporate into the day's classes - but Monday just contains the leftover Sunday news in the US, which tends to be disappointing. Furthermore, I do not want to see the sports scores, because I intend to watch the Red Wings game when I get home tonight.

This week is MUN week for the Allmens. The International Schools of China MUN tournament is in Qingdao starting on Thursday, so we will be flying with a group of students Wednesday after school.
