Sunday, May 9, 2010

Found it - good timing!

Back in September / October, I lost my cell phone. I looked for it for awhile, but never found it. After a few weeks, I realized that I made/received very few calls - so it was no big loss. Since then, Rachel and I have done quite well with one phone, since we are rarely apart.

Today, we left for our Sunday fellowship and it was raining. I grabbed my raincoat, which I have not used since the fall (it is too lightweight to use in the winter). And there in the pocket, was my cell phone.

It is perfect timing, since we will need extra phones for the folks coming from Chicago this week.

Speaking of, we leave on an overnight train Thursday to Yunnan province for a one-week trip with the 9th and 10th graders. We will spend our time in and around the cities of Dali and Lijiang - both popular tourist spots for adventure-seekers and nature lovers. It is supposed to be a beautiful part of the country, with mountains, water, and sunshine. It has been a chore getting the logistics planned, but I feel the experience will be a good reward of our efforts.


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