Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monday blues

It is Monday morning. Our new Chicago friends left for the airport on Sunday afternoon, leaving us just enough time to catch our breath before the work week began.

After a week+ of less-than-adequate sleep, constantly having to be on alert, and demanding physical activity, my body is anxious for some true rest. I am feeling a little sick - mostly tired and a slight head cold. The kind of thing that is to be expected after the week we just had.

Today, everyone is dragging. The students and teachers in the upper school all had trips last week, so the energy is low in the building. I would have enjoyed a day of sleeping in...but instead I had to come to school and put some lessons together.

This weekend was our first big packing push. We got together 4 bags of stuff to send back to America. Add that to the 2 bags we sent with my sister...and that means we will be returning to the US with a lot more stuff than we came with. Good thing we got a bigger apartment!

We are also shedding more possessions. We delivered some appliances to fellow staff members, including....our TV! [Actually, I doubt we will miss it at all in the next 2 weeks] Over the coming days, we should be getting down to the bare essentials - just that which will fit in our luggage to come home.

For now, there are still final exams to prep for and special events to attend: award ceremonies, graduation, staff banquet, LOST finale potluck, etc.


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