Thursday, September 30, 2010

Field trip!

Tomorrow I head to the Illinois Institute of Technology as part of my first field trip....ever?  Outside of the school trips in Chengdu, I have not led a science-based field trip before.  There is not really any planning from my point of view, since the university has the day completely programmed.  So in that regard there are no worries.  Hopefully it will be fun - I get to meet an astronaut (well, technically a chemical engineer who went to space) so that is pretty cool.

Rachel has the stinkeye.  Her left eye is puffy, leaky, and seems to be pulsating if you look too closely at it.  This is her standard symptom for a head cold, which leaves her fairly lethargic.  If we had sick days yet, she would probably take one.  I am guessing her students will be keeping their distance tomorrow.

Yesterday in class I was teaching about density.  I was explaining how dense metals  meant (like iron) are often used in construction because of their strength.  One student said, "Mr. Allmen, you must be really dense."  The student meant this in all sincerity as a complement, and was shocked that I might take it the wrong way.


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