Monday, December 15, 2008

So much of Illinois in the news!

First Obama is elected president...

Now the corruption (which has long been known of in Chicago) in the political system is reaching national headlines with the soon-to-be-former Gov. Blago in trouble. (Side note: I'm glad I voted Green Party in 2006!)

And finally, I see today that my former boss, Arne Duncan, will be the new Education Secretary in Obama's cabinet. I'm not sure now I feel about that... For a large urban school district, Chicago Public Schools were fairly reform-minded; however, things in that system were far from being run efficiently or equitable for students. Hmmm. I'll have to chew on this.



Kate said...

I was just going to email you about Arne Duncan. Misuzu is sad, as, in her words, "We need him in Chicago." But hopefully he will remember our city when he goes to Washington and can throw us a bone now and then.

Chuy Colgado said...

how come rachel NEVER posts here? is she too busy gettin fat, eating all those chocolates?