Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Taiwan: the first 2 days in pictures

It is wonderful to be here! We have been shopping and playing games for two days now, and it is a real blessing to be back with the whole Miller gang. On another, more superficial level, it feels great to wear short sleeves and shop in places like Costco. So here's some highlights:

Kaohsiung is changing! The new subway has opened in town, which is great news for us, since the Millers are a block away from the central hub of the system. The surprising feature of the system is the inclusion of tons of elaborate public art. The crown jewel is this circular room of stained glass, designed by an Italian-Mexican named Narcissus. Beautiful!

Here's the shopping crew - on the way from Costco and over to Ikea. We've been shopping a lot - no one in the family had any shopping done before we arrived (including her parents) so the time is now. Here's how it works:
Mom: Rachel, what do you want for Christmas?
Rachel: I need shhhhhhhhhhhhhoes!!!!
Mom: Alright then, show me what kind you like.
[Rachel picks out a pair she likes, and tries them on. And then another pair. And another. And another. Alan wanders off in boredom.]
Rachel: Okay, I like these.
Mom: Okay, leave the store!
[Mom buys the exact pair of shoes and all head to the next store to repeat the process again for a new child.]
Lost children return...Rachel is not the only Miller to return to Taiwan. Sister Sarah, fresh from Chicago, is the only child this time to suffer from jetlag. (tonight she passed out in the recliner at 9pm) It is fun to spend time with our former flatmate again! Here you can see the sisters on the roof of a local department store.
Rachel digs into some pizza at Costco - I never thought I would look forward to going to Costco to eat a meal, but today I loved it! The bulgogi sticks are amazing!

And finally, just to remind us that we are definitely still in the Chinese world, we snapped this shot of a pig tied out front of a nearby restaurant. Notice the leash - I'm not quite sure of this guy is a pet, or next months dinner....or both?


1 comment:

Kate said...

Hi Sarah! That pig is so ugly it's adorable.