Thursday, October 15, 2009

Getting too comfortable

It's been a good 8-9 months since we were issued our school Macbooks. At first, there was the understandable frustration of learning a new system and overcoming the learning curve of Macland.

However, I have become more and more enamored with this machine has time as gone on. A little TOO enamored.

Now I have delved more into the world of Podcasting, for personal and professional uses (there are lots and lots of science-related podcasts that I can use in class.) With that, the idea of have an ipod that could sync with my itunes is sounding more and more appealing...

But there are always the cost considerations. Ugh. Why does this stuff have to be so much more expensive?


1 comment:

Karen Allmen said...

Because it's pretty.

Silly boy.