Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Math music

I'm taking a rare in-school moment to update the blog - because of the interesting mix of music currently playing.

Each day in math, I spend some of the time giving the students time to do some of their work. Since they are working independently, I let the students sign up to provide music during the class to keep their concentration focused. (maybe this is bad pedagogy - but oh well, they are more quiet and diligent while the music is playing)

Even though anyone in the class may bring in music, mostly the Korean boys sign up. So most days, it is a sugary mix of upbeat Korean pop. But today, there have been 3 songs - all Korean. The first was a dead ringer for Gnarls Barkley. The second shifted gears to a screamingly loud, Korn-like hard rock song. The 3rd reminded me distinctly of the many Jay-Z / female pop singer duets that have been made over the years.

Not bad. Even if it is not original.


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