Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's been an overwhelming kind of week.

1) Science Olympiad is this Friday. All 6-8th graders will compete in a series of science competitions, and I am in charge. I have been working furiously to make room reservations, creating rosters of students, copying rule sheets, making schedules, coordinating with competitors from other cities, assembling and testing apparatuses, and doing the other easily forgotten things when one is hosting such as event. It's almost here, and I'm almost ready.

2) Science Fair is this Friday. All 9-11th graders are competing in Science Fair this Friday. I am less directly involved, but since I am the 9th grade Biology teacher, I have been guiding my students through the process. Today they showed off their boards and gave presentations. Rachel thinks the projects were on the level with her old Chicago public school. I did not see those projects, but I think better of our students than that.

3) Rachel's foot is getting better. She returned today to the doctor, who gave her confirmation that nothing is broken. It is just massively swollen and bruised. Yes, she's got a club foot. I think it is okay to make fun of her, now that I know it is not broken...right?

4) Tuesday was literally a "newsworthy" day at school, with the camera crew to prove it. Two of our students will travel to Beijing soon to be taped for some TV news program (related to the science fair project they did last year), so the crew flew in today for some background footage. So there was a camera following one poor student around all afternoon. Here he is explaining their old project...

I have not fully seen this year's project yet. But I am pretty sure it is good.

So anyway - if you happen to be watching Beijing TV, you can look for me and my students. They heard me talk about some RIVETING topics related to embryological development in animals.


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