Thursday, March 4, 2010

Toughing out the Year of the Tiger...

The year of the Tiger began without any problems, we were on our vacation and enjoying the wonderful weather in the Middle East. After returning to China, I same down with a cold presumably from the shock in weather changes on my system. The cold was not too bad and I only missed half a day of school.


As I was riding to school, my scooter's battery started to die. I timidly grabbed on to Alan's scooter and let his bike tow me to school. I was nervous, but finally felt like i was getting the hang of things and even said something like I'm doing this so well! You know that pride comes before a fall and it did in a big way.

Before I knew it I was on the ground screaming with a downed scooter and pieces of our lunch littering the scooter lane. It was scary really scary. I could tell that I wasn't really hurt and I didn't not hit my head at all, so when Alan came to ask what hurt, I screamed MY PRIDE.

From that point on I started making less and less sense. I think some form of shock came over me. I became super overheated and all I wanted was water. I also couldn't see very well. Our friends Zack and Kira stopped and tried to help the situation. Alan took me to school and Zack went back for my scooter.

Alan drove me up to the elevator and I got inside. Evidently I didn't push any buttons and ended up sitting on the ground in a semi-awake state. I just remembered thinking I just had to get out of there but I couldn't reach the buttons. I finally got myself up and walked to my classroom where Alan was unlocking the door.

After laying on my couch a bit I was feeling better and we assessed the damage. One scraped up knee and one very sore top of a foot (where the scooter landed). Alan was great and took good care of me even as the students started coming in and looking in horror at their traumatized teacher.

That day my left foot was obviously damaged but I walked around a bit. It was mostly on ice and elevated for the day. In the night though I woke up in more pain and my foot was obviously swollen. I couldn't put any weight on it at all.

Yesterday I went to the doctor and they wrapped it up and told me to stay off it for a week. Wow! I had no idea what that sentence meant. Walking on crutches is ridiculously hard and every muscle in my body is aching. Today I resorted to using my rolling chair to jet around school for most of the day. It is really hard being impaired for a person who loves running around the school doing this and that.

The hardest challenge so far has been our seemingly insurmountable stairs leading to our 5th floor apartment. Yesterday I had a 20 minute head start on Alan and was only on the 3rd floor by the time he got home (he carried me up the remaining 2 flights). Today I had a go at it all by myself. I was so tired and sore I thought I was going to just collapse.

So now I'm doubting my whole situation. My body aches way more than my foot ever did. Is it worth it to be in this agony? Will I build up any muscles? Will I ever drive with a low battery again?


1 comment:

Eric and Liz said...

i love you rachel allmen!