Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oh the places they'll go!

This past weekend, 3 of our students - fresh off their 2nd consecutive victory at the regional science fair - traveled to Beijing to take part in the filming of an award ceremony put on by Phoenix Television, a Hong-Based satellite TV station. The students were awarded the "Most Influential Chinese" award, and were given honors among 10 other groups for their achievements in 2009-2010.

This link takes you to a 10-minute segment of the show, during which the students were presented with an award and interviewed. It is all in Chinese - but you can understand the format: introduction, video montage, present the award, students thank their parents, and a few questions from the hosts.


I still do not know the full story about how they were selected, but from what I have heard and seen, the kids were treated like true VIPs despite their young age. They had a fancy hotel, limousines to drive them around, received real gold trophies, staged a press conference, were constantly surrounded by reporters and autograph seekers, and even had a woman come up to them with a cell phone, asking them to say some inspiring words to her children. It was a big honor for them, and good potential publicity for our school - but even more, it is amazing to see the talents and accomplishments of the students we teach.


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