Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Scrooge of Halloween?

Those who know me well know that I do not like dressing up, and so Halloween is not a holiday that I get particularly excited for.

As a result, this Halloween afternoon I am in the back room, with the door closed and blinds drawn.  I was thrust back here by 2pm, at which point the doorbell started ringing.  Wondering what was going on, I snuck out through the alley and walked around the block.

A lot of kids are out and about, getting in their trick-or-treating while the sun is shining.  Makes sense -  it is nice weather out and there is no element of danger being out on the streets at night with the kids.  There may not be the same "spooky" element, but most that I saw were young kids.

So no, I do not have candy.  I am not dressed up.  I am a prisoner in my own house.  But the landlord is not giving out candy either, so if the house gets egged it is his fault, heehee.

In my defense, I baked cookies for the party at church, so I did do something for the kids in the neighborhood. 


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