Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Rachel's first Mother's Day.  And good news - she got her #1 Mother's Day wish, which was to get some sleep.  Andy cooperated and slept well (not through the night, of course, but he went back to sleep reasonably fast after his night feedings), and she was also able to get a mid-afternoon nap. 

It was our first time using the stroller (works great) during our first walk (nice weather).  Andrew slept through his first church service (we will forgive that for the first few years) but was cooperative for family photos after the service (let's work on that smile, though!).

Here is the latest of the proud momma and her little chickadee.

And a shot of Andrew at our friends' condo, looking disturbed but wearing his favorite outfit:

And of course a Happy Mother's Day to our moms, who provide the inspiration for us to take such good care of our own child!  Thank you!


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