Sunday, June 12, 2011

New rule in home improvement?

Summer has officially begun!  (Well, sort of.)

We had a first days of 90+ degree heat.  I got the AC all cleaned out, and our house stayed reasonably cool.  My classroom has its own HVAC system, so it was probably the coolest room in the school all week.  It may only be in the 60s now, but I am sure this will pass.

Friday was the last day of school.  Everybody watched movies in the morning as the teachers got their work done; the students left at 11:30.  I will not be back in the building until August, as there will be more work done renovating as the high school adds another grade.

But work is not quite over, as I have a week in New Mexico for an IB conference.  Tomorrow morning will be a flurry of packing as we get everything together, because Rachel will be staying with Mom for the week.  Hopefully we will not forget the baby or something important like that.

Afterwards, the summer brings home improvement season.  There is a lot of planning to be done, and I am excited but Rachel is feeling the stress of planning.  But that brings up an interesting development that may have a bearing on future projects...

A couple days ago, I wanted to check on the gutters, because I noticed during some torrential rain last week that there must be a clog or two.  I pulled out the ladder and realized that it was at least 3 feet too short to access the roof from below.  I then proceeded to climb on the roof to survey things - from the second floor window, when Rachel caught me.  Her explicit instructions: "WWPD." 

She demanded that I remember the phrase, "What would Phil do?"  Unlike the previous decade's WWJD bracelet fad, however, she wants me to think about what he would do in the same situation, and do the opposite.  Apparently she has little faith in my brother's judgment when it comes to safety.  It can't be that bad, right?  I mean, he hasn't been to the emergency room THAT many times!

A little befuddled by her command but desiring to adhere to the spirit of her wishes, I climbed back in the house.  I guess I need to buy a bigger ladder.

And remember WWPD.


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