Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It was a successful (if short) visit to the state of Ohio this past weekend.

We were Tollway Warriors, as we took the Illinois Skyway/Indiana Toll Road/Ohio Toll Road all the way from Chicago to Cleveland.  We were frequent visitors to the tollway plazas, that is for sure!

Andrew sleeping in the toll plaza - as he did the whole trip!

We traveled for the wedding of Kate Mariner, an old friend from our time in Chengdu.  It was a lovely wedding but an unusually late night for us, considering we drove in that day.  The reception was located in a renovated factory on the Cuyahoga River.  Apparently Rachel participated in an ASB (Alternative Spring Break) service trip a few blocks away.  It was a nice place - lots of character. 

Oops - we forgot to pack Andrew's tux!

Rachel and Kate

Rachel and Elaine - another Chengdu coworker

The following day, we traveled an hour south to the Akron/Canton area to see my Aunt Betty.  We had a nice time with the family - and they enjoyed meeting Andrew.

We had a lovely lunch at Belgrade's - chicken and hot sauce, yum!  Then we had a brief tour of Barberton: my grandparent's house, my mom's schools, the church my parents are at, the "lake" my aunt swam in downtown, and the other sights and sounds of downtown Barberton.

Thanks for having us!  And congratulations Kate and Ryan!
Next post - kitchen remodeling!


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