Monday, August 8, 2011

Man Hands!

Right now, my hands are stained (construction adhesive), calloused, and rough.  In short, they are man hands.  My soft, girlish hands are no more.  And I am not sure if I should be happy or sad.  

With only 7 days to go until the granite will be installed, there are many things to get done in the kitchen.  I think I have finally convinced Rachel that the whole kitchen will not be done on the 15th; with our being gone the next few days in Michigan, we need to keep expectations realistic.

The electrical work is just about done.  I was up in the attic crawlspace most of the afternoon working on a new light fixture, and installing the new ducting for the vent.  I got ambitious and cleaned up in there as well (lots of messes from the electricians a couple months ago in addition to my own).  I also conquered my fear of the roof and was able to install the flashing for the vent with no problem.  (though I hope there are "no problems" with the flashing in the future!)

Our house is in some serious need of decoration.  There are still no pictures, no artwork, no trinkets out.  Our old things are still boxed up and we have not purchased anything new for all our addition wall space. 

On Saturday we went to an engagement party on a rooftop deck near my school.  Ohhh Chicago, lookin' good!  Andrew slept the whole time.  Phew!

On Sunday we were rained out twice.  First, we wanted to go back to our old church in Bridgeport for their annual service at the beach.  Unfortunately it was pouring rain, and we relocated back to church. 

Then our softball game was rained out.  We had warmed up and were getting ready to take the field when the deluge came and sent everyone scrambling for their cars.  At least we saw a rainbow on the way home!

Thankfully, we sandwiched the misfortunes with an afternoon at Sarah and Dave's apartment.  We took a walk, and then dominated in canasta.  Go Allmens!


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