Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Busy weekend ahead, but still wasting time...

We have been looking in the past few days at other MUN conferences around China and beyond. A little too much of my time has been spent plugging seemingly random letters (MYMUN, SHAMUN, BEIMUN, etc.) into google, and hoping that I will come across another inexpensive conference that we had yet to hear about. Our hopes are to expand MUN at the school, and get some more opporunities for the better students to showcase their talents at more conferences.

So MUN fever struck. We need to think now about whether to register for some more selective conferences next year, which requires us to think ahead more than I would like. So, we'll meet with our students this week and see how committed they really are.

That being said, there are really more pressing matters to deal with. A month from now, we will be with the entire middle school on a trip that still requires a decent amount of planning.

And this weekend, there is a middle school lock-in, high school dance, bridal shower, solo and ensemble festival, and orphanage trip all scheduled for a 32 hour period on Friday and Saturday. While Rachel would probably do them all if she could, I'm not sure how much we will be able to squeeze in!


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