Friday, April 24, 2009

Getting late...

It is hour 11 of the lock-in. After many hours of sports and 2 futile games of capture the flag, it is now after 2am and things are settling down. I still don't think anyone is asleep, though.

The kids played 2 games of capture the flag, which lasted a total of 2.5 hours. Both games were a draw. In both games, the kids knew where the opponents' flag was, but made no real effort to get it. Both played a defensive game and so nobody mustered enough of a charge to get the flag. From our perspective, it was quite frustrating.

In all, the kids seem to be having fun. I would call it a success - and considering they are leaving fairly early in the morning, I cannot imagine what could go wrong. (let's not jinx it, though!)


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